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Supporting the achievement of deaf young people on apprenticeships


Supporting the achievement for deaf young people on apprenticeships
Primary target audience: Professionals
Format: Information Guide (online only)
Date live: 30/03/2017

Apprenticeships are a valuable opportunity for many deaf young people to develop the skills, experience and confidence they need at work. This resource will help apprenticeship training providers to:

  • make sure that deaf apprentices have the support they need to make good progress and complete their apprenticeships
  • take the reasonable steps required under the Equality Act 2010 (or the Disability Discrimination Act in Northern Ireland) to make sure that deaf apprentices are not treated less favourably than other apprentices.

This resource will also be useful for providers of traineeships, supported internships and Modern Apprenticeships (Scotland).

We use the term ‘training provider’ to mean any organisation that delivers training for apprentices including independent training providers, further education colleges and higher education institutions.

This resource isn’t for apprenticeship employers, unless they have their own training programme.

Employers might find our ‘Breaking the Sound Barrier’ resource useful.