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AB Short Word List for Parrot

This assessment is widely used in the UK as a speech recognition test and for rehabilitation.

Age range

Appropriate for children over six years old or those with appropriate vocabulary

Who can use it?

Any appropriate professional, using the manual.

How is it used?

The Parrot AB test consists of 8 word lists, with each list containing 10 words. Each word has three phonemes constructed as consonant/vowel/consonant with 30 phonemes, 10 vowels and 20 consonants present in each list. The child should repeat the word exactly as they hear it. If they’re not sure of the word they should guess it, and if only part of a word is heard, then they should say that part. All the words in the list should be presented at the same sound level and you should make a note of the result of each presentation on the results sheet. The test can be conducted aided and/or unaided. A different word should be used for each test.

What does it give us?

Scoring: Three points are assigned to each word in the AB word lists, one for each phoneme. Only when a phoneme is entirely correct, does it obtain a score of one. For each word list a percentage score is obtained by calculating the points awarded out of 30.


  • The large number of words which diminishes the effects of learning factors.
  • 80 separate words have been recorded on the Parrot: these can be played at differing sound levels at the touch of a button.
  • There’s a high inter list equivalence as the recognition score is based on the phonemes correct out of 30.


  • The child may not know the vocabulary used.
  • Should be carried out in good acoustic conditions.
  • The Parrot, Parrot plus and Phoenix are expensive.

Is there a cost? 

The paper version of this assessment is free but you will have to pay for the Parrot or Parrot Plus versions.

Where can I access it?

You can access the assessment on the Soundbyte Solutions website