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Reading assessments

These pages detail commonly used reading assessments which can provide useful analyses of a child’s reading development. They are designed to enable the identification of areas of strength and weakness, and the setting of appropriate goals. We have included assessment of phonological processing. 

Concepts of Print

Age range? 4-6 years
Who can use it? Teachers

York Assessment of Reading Comprehension (YARC)

Age range? Primary version: 4-11 years
Secondary version: 11-16 years
Who can use it? Teachers

New Progress in Reading Assessment (PiRA)

Age range? Key Stage 1 and 2 (England)
Who can use it? Teachers using English curriculum but is also be used by teachers in Wales and Northern Ireland

New Progress in Reading Assessment (PiRA) for Scotland

Age range? P1-P7 (Scotland)
Who can use it? Teachers using Scottish Curriculum for Excellence

New Group Reading Tests (NGRT)

Age range? 5-16 years
Who can use it? Teachers

Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT 5)

Age range? 5-adult
Who can use it? Teachers with a post-graduate qualification in Special Educational Needs

Access Reading Tests (ART)

Age range? 7-20 years
Who can use it? Teachers

New Salford Sentence Reading Test

Age range? 6-13/14 years
Who can use it? Teachers

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Third UK Edition (WIAT-III UK)

Age range? 4-25 years, 11 months
Who can use it? Psychologists

Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP-2)

Age range? 4-24 year, 11 months
Who can use it? Teachers