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Strategic planning officer

I like to problem-solve and improve organisational effectiveness and decision-making processes. I’m also passionate about improving equality, diversity and inclusion. I work for Loughborough University and, during the pandemic, I joined my university’s Staff Inclusivity Network, which is for employees who are affected by any form of disability.

I have a BSc in Psychology and have worked for a ‘Big Four’ audit firm, in local government, and now the higher education sector.

I have severe deafness in my left ear and moderate deafness in my right. I rely on lip-reading and facial expression to interpret speech, so face masks were a struggle. Online meetings with captions, and people facing the camera and speaking clearly into the microphone have made things easier.

As a teenager, I was embarrassed to be deaf; I wouldn’t wear my hearing aids and missed out on a lot. The internet and social media have opened access to many fantastic deaf people who are positive role models and show deaf people they can achieve anything they put their minds to.

Take advantage of support provided by your education setting or workplace. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. You spend a great deal of time at work; make sure it’s something you enjoy and take pride in.

Amanda Silverwood