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Time-management tips for teenagers

Published Date: 26 Mar 2020

Father and daughter sitting together looking at an iPad.

As a family we understand that we are currently in a very serious situation and we recommend everyone follows current government advice to keep everyone safe. We hope you’re all keeping well.

It's easy and completely understandable if you lack motivation and become unproductive. Grow positive habits and reap the rewards later.

I find it helps my focus if I write things down. I use lists and notice boards as a constant reminder of what I am trying to achieve. They keep me on track.

Here are my top tips for planning your time and keeping to a routine.

1. Make a plan each day and write it down

Have a daily schedule with rough timings of what you want to do and when. I'm a full-time athlete and have to train at least twice a day. I split my time between exercise and studying, doing this helps me to be more productive and enthusiastic.

I like to plan tomorrow's tasks the night before. It's too easy to let the day drift if you wake up without a plan. At the end of each day, take a moment to appreciate all you have achieved today.

2. Have a weekly plan

Load this list up with tasks and ideas, aim high and stretch yourself to complete it all if possible.

Avoid picking just the easy or fun tasks. Uncompleted tasks can roll into next week’s plan if necessary.

At the end of the week, take a moment to acknowledge all you have achieved. Seeing your success breeds a positive mindset and enthusiasm to do more.

3. Larger projects / ideas for the next few months

Take on a bigger project(s) for the next few months if you want to. It might be a good time to start sowing the seeds for your future.

Business/job/study/opportunities: Make a list of people you want to get in touch with and start emailing them. Let people know what you want to achieve by planting these ideas now. Many businesses and employees are still working, but from home and might have some time to respond to emails.

Reading: This is good for learning about a subject that interests you. Maybe a biography, factual, history or just a fun read.

Languages: You could start learning BSL, a foreign language or even a new subject online.

Yoga: This is fantastic for your body and wellbeing during this unsettling time. There are lots of free videos online.

Exercise: This is an ideal time to focus on you and improve your health with a sensible exercise and diet plan. I’m going to film a video showing some easy at-home activities.

Learn new skills: The internet is bursting with 'how- to' videos on just about anything. The key is to try and filter your viewing to credible sources. Cooking, DIY, crafts etc

Stay in touch: Whilst complying with social distancing you can keep in contact with friends and reconnect with those you have little contact with. Set up new WhatsApp groups or video calls. You can still sty socially connected to friends and family virtually. Make the effort to reach out to others, they’ll probably be glad you did.

Mediation and mindfulness: this helps you stay focused and can support your mental health. There are lots of apps you can download for this. We use them every morning before training, it sets you up for the day.

Hope you find these tips helpful, stay safe everyone!

Phil and Jodie

Phil and Jo are parents to Jodie (18) and Jack (12). Jodie was born profoundly deaf and had a cochlear implant aged 14 months, she's a professional rugby player.