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Hearing aid for my 2 month old baby

Posted by boobear
19/08/20 10:09 AM

My baby daughter has just been diagnosed with moderate unilateral hearing loss. We're trying to make the decision about whether to give her a hearing aid now or to wait and see how she does and how she adjusts without it. Are there any parents here who have been in a similar situation? I would really appreciate hearing about your decision and experience. Our audiologist is on the fence about what we should do. 

Posted by mrsm
31/08/20 08:43 AM


My little boy got his first pair of aids at 9 weeks old (he's now 4 and a half!) for a mild/moderate bilateral hearing loss and they've definitely helped him! There are still some speech sounds he struggles with but without the aids it would have been worse. It can seem daunting at first but I personally would say go for it.  It can be hard to determine the full extent of hearing loss in little ones. We went through several variations with the aids, going from wearing 2, to none, to just the left 1 and back to both, depending on the results of the most recent hearing test. He now wears both all day with no bother at all. We had some tough days where they wouldn't stay in/they were refused but persevere if you go down this route. It's worth it. He now recognises that they help him to hear and reminds me to put them in on a morning! He also really enjoys choosing pictures for his new molds!

Hope this helps

Posted by raisingboys
31/08/20 09:05 AM

I would say yes to the hearing aid. My son got hearing aids at 9 weeks for a mild/moderate bilateral sensorineural loss and they have made a world of difference to him. It seems so daunting at first but it's worth it in the end. We were given the option to choose whether to get the hearing aids or not too and we decided it was better for him if we got them and he can make a decision as he gets older if he doesn't want to wear them anymore. Those early years are so important for their development, particularly with speech. If they can't hear it then they can't say it, read it or write it (certainly not easily) so for us it wasn't even a consideration. My son is now 3 years old and is fantastic with his hearing aids. His speech and vocabulary is amazing and nothing holds him back! 

Trust your instincts - you know what is best for your child - and take all of the support offered to you. I hope this helps!

Posted by lalaland82
31/08/20 09:19 AM


I was in the same situation, my little one had a moderate unilateral hearing loss, it (over time turned to bilateral hearing loss). We chose to use the hearing aids and I'm so pleased we did. It wasn't easy at first, everytime we put them in he would cry and then be silent until we took them out again but slowly slowly they adjusted and we got to full time use. He is 14 now and his speech is amazing, I don't think he'd be where he is now with his speech, I can always tell when he's taken them out as he misses little bits of conversation and his speech is slightly off.

I do wish we'd used them in conjunction with sign language though as his hearing loss progressed again recently so it's something we're looking into now and it'll be hard for him to learn as well as doing his gcses