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Posted by soapyduck
16/09/20 05:57 PM

Hi my 1 year old has recently got hearing aids due to glue ear. She was born with choanal atresia and i was wondering if anybody has had this and had nothing else wrong eg. A syndrome or anything? So far her genetics has come back fine.

Posted by supermama
23/09/20 10:47 AM

Hi there, my daughter was born with a rare syndrome. She has choanal atresia and very narrow ear canals. We don’t seem to have had any issues with glue ear. we got a BAHA on a soft hand when she was about 9 months. She’s now 18 months and is very advanced with her speech. My sure if this helps. Happy to chat more.

Posted by soapyduck
23/09/20 11:45 AM

Thanks, Tiegan also had the baha but she really didnt get on with it kept pulling it off so she has only recently got the hearing aids, do they think your little one will ever get rid off the glue ear?