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Posted by mylittleprince2020
10/05/21 11:43 PM

My 5 month old was born with microsia on the right side, is there anyone that's been through what we are going through that could tell us about your experiences and what we may have to face in the future? 

Posted by microtiamum
26/05/21 11:15 AM

Hi, my son is 4 months and we've been through the same thing. our hospital has been total rubbish, if it wasn't for us pushing for everything we wouldn't get any support whatsoever. We haven't even seen a ENT, paediatrition to get the required tests done Yet (So far only the audiologist have seen us and done the assessment). through Microtia UK FB group I found out that basically if you live near London you have a very different care than anywhere else. (We are based in Hampshire). 

Posted by sam
26/05/21 11:23 AM


My 6 year old was born with Microtia too.

There are a few different surgery options 

but you usually have to wait until they are arounf

9/10 years old, to have rib cartilage surgery for 

Microtia, which has the most permanent results.


Posted by niz
26/05/21 10:01 PM


My son is nearly 3 and was born with bilateral microtia artesia. We have had fantastic support from his Teacher of the Deaf, the audiology and hearing implant departments at St Thomas' Hospital London and NDCS.

What sort of things would you like to know? Do you have particular concerns or questions I could perhaps help you with?

Posted by blue_honesty
29/05/21 02:35 PM

My son is now 15 and has bilateral microtia with atresia. We are midlands based. He had a baha on a band from about 6 months old. when he was 4/5 we decided instead of going through the abutment process we would go with, at the time, new technology using plates on the skull and magnets. A lot has changed, especially now the bigger companies have come on board with using the magnet method. We are completely aware that had he had the abutment he would have better hearing, but weighing it against the infections etc with the abutments we went with the magnets. He is regularly asked if he wants "normal ears" and his response is basically "would it make me hear better?" We always tell him no. So his response is "what's the point!" He is not fussed about his ears and is excelling in school and has a close knit group of friends X