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Posted by dp
15/06/21 10:00 PM

When I first found about my child's hearing loss a veiw months ago I was told he had sensorineural hearing loss and it was mild to moderate and that he would need a hearing aid because it won't get better with a nerve been damaged.. Now today at his appointment they said that his hearing test improved but they want him back in July to double check and to where the hearing aid to then am so confused on how it's got better if it's the nerve damaged. 

Posted by Claire ndcs moderator Moderator
23/06/21 10:29 AM

Hi there,

 Thanks for starting this thread and sharing your experience on Your Community.

We have an in-house audiologist who’d be able to give advice and answer any questions you might have about your son’s diagnosis. If you’d like to speak with them, you’d be very welcome to contact our Helpline team who can put you in touch.

If you haven’t already you may also find it useful to look at our resource Understanding your child’s hearing tests

Best wishes,


Your Community moderation team

Posted by alice
29/06/21 06:09 PM

The hearing tests can give a false result as they partially depend on the child's attention at the time.  My child was diagnosed as profoundly deaf at one of her appointments when she had always been moderately deaf.  I just asked for another test a couple of weeks later.  She was given a slightly different test which held her attention better and her diagnosis went back to moderate.  I hope that helps.