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Deaf-friendly Activities

Photo: Learn how to make your activities fully inclusive

Deaf-friendly activities allow deaf children the opportunity to socialise with their peers in a safe, fun and supportive environment. They can develop their social skills, gain more independence and feel included.

Find out more about our e-learning course for anyone who provides activities for deaf children.

Module overview

This module will help you to fully include deaf children in your activities.

You'll learn practical information and tips on supporting communication and adapting your activities to make them deaf-friendly and fully inclusive.

For arts, sports or leisure providers, activity leaders, youth clubs or anyone who provides activities for deaf children.

What you'll learn

By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

  • suggest changes to your activities or service to be deaf-friendly and inclusive
  • describe the different types of communication that deaf children may use
  • apply health and safety considerations to make sure that your activities are safe for deaf children.


This module is free of charge.


This course should take about one hour to complete. You're welcome to work through it at your own pace and revisit it anytime in the future.

Start the course

Register or login on our training hub to begin the course.

Please note: The login details for our training hub are different to the login details you use if you are a National Deaf Children's Society member.

Contact us

If you have a question about this e-learning course, please email [email protected].