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Objective 3: We build communities that unite families

For parents with a deaf child, having a strong community is vital, particularly during those first few years when families are still finding out what their child needs.

We reach around 5,000 people through our 90 local groups, and we want to build on this ecosystem of support to make families’ lives easier from the start and throughout their journey. Growing the number of people we reach through our virtual communities will also be crucial.

We’ll bring families together so they feel part of a supportive and dynamic community wherever they live. Having a collective voice is so important and can help families challenge for positive change in their local area.

We build communities that unite families

Discover how local groups bring families together.

Our commitment

  • Partners, professionals, parents and deaf young people work with us to challenge and shape their local services. 
  • Parents and deaf young people receive relevant localised support that’s unique to the area they live in. 
  • Deaf children and young people have opportunities to make friends with one another, explore their deaf identity and access social networks. 
  • We collaborate with local groups and partners to achieve shared goals.

What will success mean?

  • Increasing the number of local groups and how many people we reach through them. 
  • More opportunities for parents and children to connect face-to-face through local groups, other local structures and through our online platform.
  • More campaigning networks with increased engagement from families and deaf young people.
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