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  • Connect with others through events, workshops, campaigns and our NEW online forum, Your Community
  • Discover information and insights in our resource hub and receive the latest updates via email
  • Access one-to-one support and tailored services which help reduce barriers for deaf children
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Your Community

Welcome to Your Community

Your Community is a safe online forum where you can get tips, ask questions, share experiences and connect with other parents of deaf children and young people.

Threads and comments are open for everyone to read, but only members of the National Deaf Children's Society can start a new thread or reply to a comment.

Membership is free – join us now. If you registered for membership already through the My NDCS app, you'll need to sign up separately on our website to use Your Community.

Your Community is a confidential space. To keep our members safe, sharing personal detail is not allowed. If you want to meet other members, please join our Facebook group or your local deaf children's society.

We also have events for parents, including information sessions where members have the chance to chat in small groups.

Guidelines for posting

How to use Your Community

Contact our moderators

Welcome to Your Community

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