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A guide for parents on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Individual Development Plans (IDPs) (Welsh language version)

A guide for parents on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Individual Development Plans (IDPs) (Welsh language version)
Primary target audience: Parents and carers
Format: Factsheet (un-designed)
Date live: 01/01/0001

This Welsh translation of our factsheet is for parents of deaf children or young people with Welsh as their first language. It explains how families of deaf children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) will get learning support plans, known as Individual Development Plans (IDPs). It will be relevant if:

  • your child is aged 0-16 and doesn’t yet have a learning support plan or has been recently identified as deaf. The new Individual Development Plan (IDP) system opened for these learners in September 2021.
  • your child already has a statement of special educational needs, is on School Action or School Action Plus or has a Learning and Skills Plan. All of these plans will eventually be replaced with an IDP. The Welsh Government has asked that learners with existing support plans be moved to the new IDP system in Wales from January 2022
  • the school or local authority is carrying out an additional learning needs (ALN) assessment of your child
  • your child is aged 16-25 and attending further education.

This resource supports our page Additional learning needs (ALN) in Wales and is accompanied by our Individual Development Plan (IDP) template (Welsh language version).

English language version