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Glossary: N

Named person – Scotland

Under the Scottish Government’s ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) framework, every child in Scotland has a ‘named person’. The named person is a single point of contact between government services and the child, with responsibility for giving families information and helping them get support.  


A portable type of loop system that sits around the wearer's neck. It can be used with mobile phones or audio equipment.

Note in Lieu – England

A Note in Lieu is issued when a local authority decides an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan is not appropriate for a child. This decision would be made after a statutory assessment. The note should describe the child's needs, and the facilities and resources needed to meet them. But no additional funding is attached, and unlike an EHC plan it cannot be legally enforced.


Someone who takes notes during lectures or classes for a student who cannot take notes due to their disability. They’re sometimes referred to as a 'manual' or 'ordinary' notetaker. Notetakers can be useful for deaf young people so they can focus on someone speaking or signing without having to take notes at the same time.