Campaigns - England
How you can campaign with us
We want young deaf people and their families to be able to able to access the same opportunities as everyone anyone else. Your actions are what enable us to push for change and get the voices of deaf children and families heard by politicians. Without you behind us, we would not be able to do this at all.
There are lots of different campaigns you can get involved in and a range of different actions you can take to influence politicians:
- Join our Campaigns Network. Be part of a movement of over 10,000 people for deaf children and their families.
- Find out more about what local campaigning to improve services is happening in your area.
SEND Review and Improvement Plan
In 2023, when the Government published an improvement plan that set out how they would follow-up their special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) review, we made sure they heard about what needs to change for deaf children and young people.
Deaf education map
Our interactive map helps you to compare the education support available for deaf children in your area and take action to improve it.
Listen Up!
Each year we monitor children’s audiology services so we know what support is available and how it’s changing across England, and we share this information in our Listen Up! report.
Right to sign campaign
Find out about our campaign to introduce a British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE.
Call for free British Sign Language classes for families with deaf children
Read about a parent-led campaign for free British Sign Language classes for parents of deaf children that we are supporting.