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Reports on paediatric audiology

Photo: Audiology services are vital to ensure that deaf children can develop

Listen Up 2024 >

Download our Listen Up 2024 report for an overview into children’s hearing services across the UK.

Listen Up! Children’s hearing services in England (2022)

This report sets out the findings from a national survey of children’s hearing or paediatric audiology services in England in spring 2022. Responses highlight that paediatric audiology services are facing some difficult challenges as they recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main themes reported were; long waiting lists, staffing issues, increasing demands on services, barriers to gaining Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPs) accreditation and other resource or funding issues. However, responses from services provided evidence that many are working hard to tackle these challenges and maintain quality. Some are even managing to innovate and commit to service improvement in a difficult environment.

Report: Children’s hearing services in England (2022)
Briefing: Children’s hearing services in England (2022)

Listen Up! Children’s hearing services in England (2021)

This report sets out the findings from a national survey of children’s hearing or paediatric audiology services in England in spring 2021. It follows similar surveys carried out in 2018 and 2019. The report aims to enable us to identify and track trends in paediatric audiology, as well to generate evidence to influence national policy debates.

Children’s hearing services in England (2021)

Rapid Review into Paediatric Audiology in England (2020)

This report outlines the case for urgent action by NHS England to ensure that every deaf child can achieve their potential, setting out ways of eliminating possible variation in quality and access to paediatric audiology services across England. 

Rapid Review into Paediatric Audiology in England (2020)

Survey of Paediatric Audiology Provision in England (2019)

This report sets out the findings from our annual survey of paediatric audiology services in England, carried out in 2019 using Freedom of Information requests. The findings in this report are compared to findings from our 2018 survey to review how audiology services may have changed. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the next survey is scheduled for 2021.

Survey of Paediatric Audiology Provision in England (2019)

Survey of Paediatric Audiology Provision in England (2018)

This report sets out the findings from a survey of paediatric audiology services in England, carried out in May 2018 using Freedom of Information requests. We plan to repeat this survey annually; the findings provide a benchmark in order to review how audiology services change in future years.

Survey of Paediatric Audiology Provision in England (2018)

The health of children’s hearing services in England (2017)

This report sets out the findings from a national survey of paediatric audiology services in England carried out in 2017. The survey found that the biggest challenges for services are recruiting appropriately qualified staff, a lack of training for existing staff and funding pressures.

The health of children's hearing services in England (2017)

Listen Up! (2014)

In 2014 we gathered evidence from parents of deaf children about the quality of audiology services. The survey found there were problems with waiting times, problems with setting up hearing aids correctly, a lack of deaf awareness in audiology services and not enough appointments available outside school time hours.

Listen Up! (2014)