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  • Connect with others through events, workshops, campaigns and our NEW online forum, Your Community
  • Discover information and insights in our resource hub and receive the latest updates via email
  • Access one-to-one support and tailored services which help reduce barriers for deaf children
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New to Hearing Loss online events

Have you recently found out your baby, toddler or child has hearing loss? Join our free online events to find out what support is available for you and your child.  

They’re a brilliant chance to meet other parents and carers of deaf children and become part of a community.  

Whether you have some or no experience of deafness, our friendly experts are here to support you and your child.  

Who's it for? 

  • Parents, carers and grandparents of children aged  0 to 12 who have found out in the past 18 months that their child has any level or type of hearing loss.  

Parents New to Hearing Loss sessions

New dates coming out in September 2024.

Grandparents New to Hearing Loss sessions

Discovering your grandchild is deaf or has hearing loss can be overwhelming. Connect with other grandparents and gain valuable insights to support your grandchild. Join one or both of our special sessions designed just for you. 

Part one: Understanding Hearing Loss 

  • Monday 30 September 
  • 7pm to 8pm  

Join this session led by a paediatric audiologist to increase your confidence in understanding your grandchild’s hearing. Learn about the difference between hearing and listening and share ideas for making the most of your grandchild’s hearing ability.  

Part two: Relationships and Playtime 

  • Monday 7 October 
  • 7pm to 8pm  

In this session, we’ll discuss how to nurture your relationship with your grandchild and foster meaningful play experiences.   

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Joining our online events 

We'll have experts on hand to support you in joining the event online. You can also watch or download our guide to joining online events

You’ll need access to a computer, smartphone or tablet with an internet connection. You can join in as much or as little as you like.

Zoom auto-generated captions and British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters will be available. 

Contact us 

If you have any questions or require any other communication or language support, please email [email protected]