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BSL vocabulary for religious worship

Religion can play a big role in shaping identity and provide a valuable sense of community. However, communication barriers can leave deaf children unable to take part in religious worship or understand the meaning behind religious celebrations.

Learning British Sign Language (BSL) signs related to your religion can help your child to feel supported and understood, whether you're visiting a place of worship, joining a deaf religious group, attending a religious celebration or simply chatting at home. 

 Although each video was filmed by a Deaf translator who belongs to the respective religion, some signs might look different to the ones used in your community depending on where you live and your religious subgroup.  To find a specific sign, please open the video in YouTube and use the timestamps in the description to skip forwards.

We're very grateful to Deaf Muslim UK and the Jewish Deaf Association for their support with the project so far.

BSL signs for Judaism

BSL vocabulary about Judaism.

BSL signs for Hinduism

BSL vocabulary about Hinduism.

BSL signs for Islam

BSL vocabulary about Islam.

BSL signs for Christianity

BSL vocabulary about Christianity.