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Fostering or adopting a deaf child

Photo: We have information for foster carers of deaf children

"It’s brilliant to see Jack open up, become more confident, use BSL effectively and give his all to new experiences."

Joanne is foster parent to Jack.

Fostering and adoption can be two of the most rewarding ways of making a difference to a child’s life. If you're considering fostering or adopting a deaf child, it's worth learning a bit about deafness as soon as possible. We have lots of information on our website to help. 

As a foster carer or adoptive parent, all of our family events are open to you. These events can help you to build your knowledge on childhood deafness, make informed choices for the child in your care and connect with other families of deaf children for friendship and support. 

Another great way to connect with local families of deaf children and build a good support network is through our local groups.

Our online forum, Your Community, provides a safe space where you can share experiences, ask questions and get advice from other parents. 

If you’d like to discuss specific issues around fostering and deaf children, please contact the Helpline.