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Storytelling using characters

Creating characters

Here's a fun story about Mel the monkey. It's a fantastic example of how to use sign language to create characters. You can see how our storyteller becomes the different characters: he's small and mischievous for Mel and tall and concerned for the Park Ranger.

You'll also notice how he uses lots of different facial expressions. By using as many visual elements as you can, you'll be able to become your characters and make them seem real.

This story is a bit more complex than the others so try learning it a bit at a time to make it easier to remember. Watch it a few times and have a go yourself at home!

Try it yourself

Try to practice some of the techniques from the video and use them in your own stories. 

  • Use your facial expressions to add personality to your characters and bring them to life.
  • Use simple examples of body language to show your characters' feelings; they could keep their head up if they're good and attentive, or 'head down' if they have something to hide, or if they're sleepy.

To help you get started, take a look at Daisy and Ted's Awesome Adventures and Jake and Jasmine to the Rescue.