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Information for journalists

Photo: Journalist contact point

This page contains essential information about childhood deafness. If you require any additional information, please contact the media team.

We use the word ‘deaf’ to refer to all levels of deafness and hearing loss.

  • There are more than 50,000 deaf children living in the UK and 32 million deaf children globally.
  • 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents with little or no experience of deafness.
  • Deafness is not a learning disability; with the right support, deaf children can achieve anything other children can.
  • Three babies are born deaf every day.
  • Half of deaf children are born deaf and the other half become deaf during childhood.

Susan Daniels OBE, Chief Executive

Deaf since the age of four, Susan is a passionate campaigner for deaf children’s rights and joined the charity as Chief Executive in 1992. She is a member of both the BBC Appeals Advisory Committee and the Disabled Students' Commission. She also chairs Groundbreakers, the network for women leaders in the charity sector.

Martin McLean, Senior Policy Advisor

Martin is a deaf staff member. He can advise you on educational matters, as well as policy and legislation, and genetics.

Emma Fraser, Teacher of the Deaf

Emma has been a Teacher of the Deaf for over 10 years, and provides support and advice on how best to support deaf children and their families.

Simon Want, Joint Head of Policy and Influencing (England)

Simon is deaf and can talk about the BSL GCSE and deaf awareness generally, as well as advise on Government policy and legislation. 

Hazel Badjie, Head of Policy and Influence, Wales

Hazel is our expert on all deaf issues relating to Wales.

Deirdre Vaughn, Policy and Campaigns Officer, Northern Ireland

Deirdre is our expert on all deaf issues relating to Northern Ireland.

Mark Ballard, Head of Policy and Influencing, Scotland.

Mark is our expert on all deaf issues relating to Scotland.

Lois Drake, Policy and Campaigns Officer, Scotland

Lois carries out our policy and campaigning work in Scotland.

Luke Collins-Hayes, Deaf Empowerment Officer

Luke is deaf and uses BSL as his first language. He can advise on deaf awareness and empowerment and d/Deaf culture.

Martin Thacker, Deputy Director, Local Engagement

Martin is a child of deaf adults (CODA). He can advise on issues relating to local authorities, as well as deaf issues generally.

Ian Noon, Chief Policy Advisor 

Born profoundly deaf, Ian is our in-house expert on data and research relating to deaf children and young people.

Arran Masterman, Young People's Programme Officer

Arran is deaf and uses BSL as his first language. He can advise on deaf youth-related issues.





We have developed a number of position statements relating to issues on childhood deafness, which outline our position and aim to provide guidance for parents and professionals.

  • The National Deaf Children’s Society is the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and their families.
  • There are more than 50,000 deaf children in the UK. We help them thrive by providing impartial, practical and emotional support, and by challenging governments and society to meet their needs.
  • The National Deaf Children’s Society believes that every deaf child should be valued and included by society and have the same opportunities as any other child.