Getting speech and language therapy in Wales
If you’re concerned about your child’s communication development, talk to your child’s GP, health visitor or teacher. They can discuss your concerns and make a referral to speech and language therapy. You can find out more about speech and language therapy in the communication topic.
Alternatively, you can make a referral to speech and language therapy yourself. You can find the details for your local service by contacting your local health board (NHS Wales).
You can find out more about speech and language therapy services through the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT). This information is also available in Welsh (RCSLT).
Including speech and language therapy in an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
If your child has an IDP and needs speech and language therapy provided by the local authority or an NHS body, this should be included in their IDP. It’s important that speech and language therapy is ‘quantified’. This means the IDP should be clear on:
- who will provide the support (such as a speech and language therapist or another qualified professional)
- how it will be provided
- the amount of therapy provided (for example, the numbers of hours each week).
If this isn’t clearly stated, it can lead to confusion and disagreements with the local authority over how much support should be provided. For example, stating that support will be provided by ‘an appropriate professional’ at ‘regular intervals’ is less specific than saying that support will be provided by ‘a qualified speech and language therapist’ for ‘2 hours a week’ or ‘2 sessions lasting 1 hour each.’
Where to include speech and language therapy on an IDP
The most important place to include speech and language therapy is in Section 2B, ‘Description and delivery of the child or young person’s additional learning provision (ALP).’ If the need for speech and language therapy is included in Section 2B of an IDP then the local authority has a legal duty either to provide the therapy or to work with the NHS to meet the child’s speech, language and communication needs. If the local authority fails to do so, you can appeal this through the Education Tribunal for Wales.
In Section 2B, you should include details about:
- intended outcomes (what you hope to achieve from speech and language therapy)
- the type of support to be provided
- how often support will be provided (such as daily or weekly)
- who will provide the support.
If your child’s speech and language therapy is provided by an NHS body then it should also be included in Section 2C of the IDP, ‘Description and delivery of ALP to be secured by an NHS body’. This is where the details of any learning support provided by an NHS body should be included. It should also explain whether a referral has already been made or not, for example:
- referral not required
- referral made. No relevant treatment or service identified
- there is a difference of opinion.
If the NHS body do not provide direct support (ALP), but make some helpful recommendations, include this in the IDP.
For more information on how an IDP should be filled in, download our example Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Private speech and language therapy
Some parents decide to pay for private speech and language therapy for their child. You can find a private speech and language therapist near you through the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP website).
Make sure the therapist who works with your child has:
- the appropriate training to support deaf children
- experience of working with deaf children
- knowledge of sign language (if appropriate)
- a plan for liaising with the education team who support your child.
Making a complaint
If you’re struggling to get a speech and language assessment for your child, believe that your child’s needs have not been correctly identified or are unhappy with the speech and language therapy your child is receiving, ask to speak with the speech and language therapist or their manager. Try to be as clear and specific as possible. Before you speak to them, think about whether you’ve done everything they suggested and whether your child has made any progress at all.
If you continue to be unhappy with your child’s speech and language therapy or need help speaking to the service, contact your local Community Health Council (CHC). They can give you advice and support and can also raise concerns on your behalf.
You can get more advice on making a complaint about healthcare from the Professional Standards Authority’s One Stop Guide for Complaints about Healthcare in Wales (Professional Standards Authority).