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Northern Ireland

The National Deaf Children's Society provides support to deaf children and young people and their families in Northern Ireland.  We run events for families to help them at key points in their deaf child's life. And we work to influence the standard and quality of services they receive. With your support, we can create a powerful voice for change and demand a fair deal for every deaf child.

Find out more about our work in Northern Ireland and about local groups run by parents and carers of deaf children to give emotional and social support to families.

Contact the Northern Ireland team

You can contact the Northern Ireland team at:

Tel: 028 9035 2011 (v)
Email: [email protected]

Advice and guidance for families in Northern Ireland

Our advice and guidance officers are based in Northern Ireland. They provide advice and guidance on a range of topics including education, communication, social care, discrimination, independence and welfare benefits.

We support over 2000 deaf children, young people and their families each year and reach hundreds more through our local work with a range of community groups.

Referrals to the team generally come via our advice and guidance helpline, who may be able to help with the query initially but can also refer you to an advice and guidance officer when appropriate.

They will help you feel confident when making decisions. They’ll contact you remotely using technology like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and FaceTime or use face to face meetings when needed.

You may also see an advice and guidance officer in settings such as meetings, events, schools, your local Deaf Children’s Society events and at audiology clinics.

Find out more

If you would like more information about our advice and guidance officers contact our Advice and Guidance Helpline.

Training opportunities for Northern Ireland professionals

Healthy Minds training is coming to Northern Ireland

We’re delighted to offer our most popular CPD accredited training workshop free of charge to Northern Ireland professionals working with deaf children and young people.

Find out more

Local groups in Northern Ireland

High Five Group (Armagh and Dungannon)
Email: [email protected]

P.A.N.D.A (Parents at North Down and Ards)
Email: [email protected]

Portadown and Lurgan - Sound Friends
Email: [email protected]

Hearing Hub (Newtownabbey)
Email: [email protected]

Listen hEAR (Saintfield)
Email: [email protected]

Hands and Voices (Omagh Deaf Children's Society)
Email: contact via [email protected]