Classroom assistant
I’m a classroom assistant because…
“I enjoy seeing the smile on the kids’ faces when I help them understand something they are struggling with. I also enjoy learning new subjects that I didn’t study myself.
After university I got a job in retail but I wanted something more. I now work one-to-one with students aged 11–18 helping them to concentrate in class and stay focused. I’m there to support them with anything they are struggling with and to make it easier for them to understand. I also help them to keep on top of homework and coursework.
My level of deafness is 60% in each ear and I wear two hearing aids. In my previous jobs I wore a badge to let people know I lip-read but I don’t need to wear it in this job as staff are aware and very understanding.
My biggest achievement was graduating from York St John University in 2014 with a BA honours degree.”
Nicola Agnew