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Guidance for executors and solicitors

If you’re carrying out the wishes in someone’s Will and they’ve kindly included a gift to us, you may have questions. We hope you will find the answers below, but if not, please contact our Legacy team. They will be happy to help.

Phone: 020 7014 1102 / 1190

Email: [email protected]

Information we need from you

We are obliged to ensure that we administer all gifts in accordance with the guidelines set down by the Charity Commission. We are therefore very grateful if you could provide us with the following information:

  • The full name and title of the deceased
  • Their last address
  • The date of death
  • The executor’s name and contact details
  • A copy of the Will
  • Schedule of assets and liabilities
  • Estate Accounts once the estate has been finalised
  • Any information about the reason for the legacy

We also appreciate if you could notify us of any gift at the earliest opportunity. If the deceased was one of our supporters, this will enable us to prevent further communication being sent and avoid causing any unnecessary distress to the family.

Information for you

Our current registered address is:

National Deaf Children's Society
5th Floor
167-169 Great Portland Street

Registered Charity: England and Wales (1016532) and Scotland (SCO40779)

Prior to December 2024, our address was Castle House, 37- 45 Paul Street, London EC2A 4LS.

Prior to March 2014, our address was 15 Dufferin Street, London, EC1Y 8UR.

Inheritance Tax

The National Deaf Children’s Society is a registered charity, and most gifts left to us are exempt from inheritance tax. Exempt gifts should therefore be deducted from the estate before inheritance tax is calculated. If more than 10% of the value of the estate has been left to charity, inheritance tax may be payable at a reduced rate. We would always recommend seeking professional advice as the rules around inheritance tax can change and everyone’s circumstances are different.

Income Tax

We are also able to claim back any income tax paid during the administration process in relation to any gifts left to us. To help us do this please make sure you provide us with a completed R185 (Estate Income) form.

Pay a gift

Please make cheques payable to “National Deaf Children’s Society” and send to the Legacy Team at:

National Deaf Children’s Society
5th Floor
167-169 Great Portland Street

If you would like to make a payment by bank transfer, please contact our Legacy team by phone 0207 014 1102/1190 or email us on [email protected].