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Where we work with deaf children

Photo: Deaf girl counting using Indian Sign Language

Deaf Child Worldwide works in partnership with schools, NGOs, community-based organisations, government agencies and other services. The input of deaf children, young deaf people and their families is central to our work.

We enable deaf children and young people to be fully included in their family, education and community life. This includes the provision of technical advice, professional guidance, publications, resources and funding focused on supporting deaf children to overcome poverty, inequality and isolation. 

What we do

There are 12.2 million deaf children in South Asia and 8.9 million deaf children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

We are working with several partners to transform the lives of deaf children living in some of the most disadvantaged communities in rural and urban settings in India, Bangladesh, Kenya and Uganda.

We work with our partners to:

  • help families of deaf children build communication and language skills
  • educate deaf young people and their families on deaf awareness, on their rights and enable them to access information on education, health, services, benefits and economic opportunities
  • offer in-depth training and learning opportunities to help address the enormous gaps in knowledge and information about deafness
  • empower families of deaf children with knowledge, insight, skills and expertise
  • build networks for families to create and foster deaf communities
  • increase opportunities for deaf young people to access further training, education and employment by building their confidence and developing their knowledge, skills and experience
  • change perceptions of deafness and secure work placements for deaf young people alongside vocational training colleges
  • get sign language recognises as a language in its own right
  • advocate for better training and more qualified sign language interpreters in-country.

Who we are working with

We work with a diverse range of local organisations and community groups in South Asia and East Africa.

Click on the links below to visit the website of any of our partners.





Find out more about our partners and how we work with them.

We share stories from our partners and their work in deaf communities on our blog.