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'The Quest for the Cockle Implant'

When nine-year-old Maya won our storytelling competition, we worked with deaf illustrator Lucy to turn her story into a real-life book!

Interview with the author

An interview with Maya (9) who wrote our new book, The Quest for the Cockle Implant

Interview with the illustrator

An interview with Lucy, who illustrated our new book The Quest for the Cockle Implant

'The Quest for the Cockle Implant' signed story

We partnered with ITV Signed Stories to produce a video of 'The Quest for the Cockle Implant' in British Sign Language (BSL). 

Watch our signed story (YouTube). 

Read what other deaf children thought of
'The Quest for the Cockle Implant.'

"The book is about a mermaid called Angel who loses a cochlear implant. I liked that Angel had a cochlear implant like me. She was super brave going into the cave on her own to find her implant. She knows how important they are. Her sister, Coral, was a very kind sister to help Angel find her device, but she needs to be more careful when playing!

My favourite part of the story was when they met the Merkitty. He is a very strange creature, and he was scary at first, until he realised Angel was just like him. The Merkitty was super fearsome but it was cool that he was deaf, too.

I like that the book was really colourful and that the cockle implant was hidden in the pages to find. My friends would like this story as well because it’s got adventure and different characters in. Because the Merkitty is kind to Angel, it would help them to be kind to others, too."

Freddie (9) is profoundly deaf and wears a cochlear implant and a hearing aid.

"This book is brilliant. It’s about a deaf mermaid called Angel who loses her cockle implant (like a cochlear implant) and goes on a quest with her sister Coral to find it! The quest is exciting, especially when Angel, Coral and their friend Finn work together to find the Merkitty, a big kitten with a mermaid’s tail, who has the cockle implant. The Merkitty is also deaf, and Angel cleverly uses sign language to communicate with it.

This book made me feel happy because of the way the sisters look out for each other. The pictures are warm and vivid, and there is a very loving feeling between Angel and Coral. I would recommend this book to all children, deaf and hearing. It shows that hearing children need to be careful when they’re playing with deaf children, but also that deaf children can do anything if they stand up for themselves and have friends to help them."

Ivy (6) is profoundly deaf and wears a cochlear implant.

Poppy's book review

Poppy (10) reviewed 'The Quest for the Cockle Implant' in British Sign Language (BSL). Poppy is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants.