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Trusts and foundations

Photo: Support from trusts transforms deaf children's lives

Programme Funding

Grants from charitable trusts, foundations, the Lottery and statutory bodies are an essential source of funding for our work with deaf children, young people and their families throughout the UK and internationally. This support allows us to plan and develop work that meets the needs of deaf children and young people and changes lives.

The Programme Funding team are here to provide detailed information, updates, stories and tailored reporting to show the difference your support has made.

Why support us

Your grant could be life-changing for so many deaf children and their families, providing them with information and support to overcome the social and educational barriers that hold deaf children back.

Read about us in the news section.

Read about the difference we have made in our impact report.

Our financial accounts can be downloaded from our Annual reports and accounts page.

Contact us

You can make a truly transformational grant to empower deaf children and their families.

If you’d like to support our work, or find out more about specific projects, please email [email protected] or call 07853066542.