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Director of my own captioning company

I'm the director of my own captioning company because...

Tina Lannin.

I wanted to provide a high quality service to other deaf people like me, who need live captioning or transcription of meetings and teleconference calls at work. I’m profoundly deaf and started my own company to tackle the lack of deaf awareness among hearing colleagues.

Although my cochlear implants are amazing, I still need to lip-read. Through Access to Work, I have access to lip-speakers and speech-to-text reporters. I also have a personal assistant for phone calls, and a hearing dog.

I have a degree in Business with Japanese and trained as a deaf awareness trainer. I’m also a mentor to deaf people who are trying to get into the workplace.

Working for myself was the best decision I ever made. Not only have I removed a lot of the barriers I faced, but I’m able to help other deaf people overcome theirs as well.

Tina Lannin