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Chair of a poetry magazine

I’m the chair of a poetry magazine because…

Deaf adult at the microphone

"I believe contemporary poetry offers a way for people from all backgrounds to have a ‘voice’. Magma is published three times a year and I make decisions with other board members about how the magazine is run, as well as being involved in production, distribution, publicity and events. I’m currently co-editing ‘The Deaf Issue’ which includes poems and articles by many deaf poets.

I’m deaf in my left ear through mumps, which means background noise is a problem and people have to be on my ‘good’ side for me to hear them. I wish I’d been more open about my deafness when I was younger. Now, I’d much rather people knew I was deaf than thought I was rude and ignoring them.

I started writing poetry as a child. My poetry book Bloodhound is published by Hearing Eye, and last year I was awarded an MA in Creative Writing with distinction."

Lisa Kelly