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Book review: Fairy Magic

Written by Cerrie Burnell and illustrated by Laura Ellen Anderson
Available from Amazon
Ages: 0-4

Reviewed by Hannah, mum to Ruby (5), who has a mild to moderate hearing loss and wears hearing aids, and Freddie (2), who has a mild hearing loss and also wears hearing aids.

"Fairy Magic is a beautifully illustrated children’s book about a girl called Isabelle who meets a fairy called Summer-Blue at the end of her garden. As a deaf girl, Isabelle finds she can feel and sense things that her siblings can’t.

This book is for those up to the age of five and provides some interesting facts on how other animals use senses instead of hearing to find their way. It also gives hearing impaired children a character they can relate to.

Ruby enjoyed listening to the book and, as soon as she heard there were fairies involved and a girl who had hearing difficulties like her, she was even more interested. Freddie loved the colourful pictures and pointing out the different colours, animals and children.

As a parent of two children with hearing loss I felt the book was well written and had the right balance of fun and information. I also found the relationship between Isabelle and her hearing twin and how they communicate in their own way very endearing.

Overall this is a nice, magical story, although for deaf children I can’t help but feel there are already better books available (Freddie and the Fairy is our favourite)."