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Book review: You Can!

Written by Alexandra Strick and Steve Antony
Available from bookshops

Price: £12.99
Ages: 0 to 4

Reviewed by Clarissa, who is mum to Griffin (3). Griffin has Down's syndrome, is severely deaf and wears hearing aids.

"Griffin loves books, so we were excited to review ‘You Can!’ It’s a brilliant book with great messages to inspire youngsters.

The book follows 14 characters with various abilities and disabilities, from being toddlers up to adulthood, so it caters to a vast range of people.

Griffin loved the bright illustrations and was interested in the fact that it’s laid out differently to most other books. There are only one or two lines of text on each page, and the text often flows around the pictures instead of being in a block.

It’s unlike any other book we have read featuring disabled characters before and was great to show people my son could identify with.

I’d recommend ‘You Can!’ to families with disabled and non-disabled children as it features so much positivity and lots of inspirational messages."