Secondary school nerves
Published Date: 26 Aug 2021With time flying by so quickly, it got me thinking about Charlie starting secondary school in September 2022. I know it’s a while off yet, but I also know how quickly things come around, and before I know it, I’ll be buying his new uniform, pencil case and backpack!
Secondary school life comes with a range of different challenges for any child – from learning their way around a new school, starting new subjects, learning their timetable and meeting new teachers and friends (not to mention the tricky teenage years and hormones kicking in!) And as I thought about all of this, I started worrying what this may mean for Charlie, and it brought up similar feelings I had when he first started primary school.
I’ve began feeling a bit anxious and worried about what may/may not happen when he starts secondary school. I know these feelings are common for lots of families because it’s a huge step seeing your child grow up, and you may feel like you’re letting go a little bit more and watching them become more independent. But because Charlie looks visibly different, as he was born with microtia and uses a bone anchored hearing aid, I do worry about bullying and acceptance when he does meet children who have never met him before.
I know I shouldn’t worry too much as you can’t predict the future and, for all I know, he might go on to have an equally fantastic secondary school life, just like he has done in primary school. Charlie’s thoroughly enjoyed his primary school and children have always been really accepting. He has lots of friends around him and I’m sure when he does start his new secondary school, Charlie’s personality will shine past the fact he has microtia and a hearing aid and he’ll have lots of new friends who enjoy being around him. He’s kind-hearted, intelligent and he’s always telling us jokes like a little comedian!
So, I keep telling myself that everything will be ok because he’s one tough cookie who’s proud to just be himself and together we will take it one day at a time. Do we ever stop worrying as parents?!