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Teachers' Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children and Ease of Listening (TEACH)

The TEACH evaluation is a questionnaire designed to record how a child is hearing and communicating with his/her hearing technology and it can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the child’s hearing technology.

TEACH ratings can be used to build a picture of the child’s functional performance in everyday life situations. The TEACH scores collected at several intervals over time can also be used to monitor the child’s progress with intervention. It’s filled in by the Teacher of the Deaf or other professional.

Normative data enables the performance of deaf children to be related to their hearing peers and/or other children with similar degrees of deafness. The TEACH  provides an additional estimate of a child’s ease of listening in different situations.

Age range

TEACH has been developed for use with children in preschool settings or school. Guidance when using TEACH advises teachers that some of the questions may not be relevant to their child yet, as skills may develop over time.

Who can use it?

Teachers, Teacher of the Deaf.

How is it used?

Teachers give a rating based on the estimated percentage of time that the child displays the described behaviour over the previous week. e.g. “when asked, does the child follow simple instructions or do a simple task in a quiet situation?” (Never, seldom, sometimes, often, always.)


  • Specifically for deaf children.
  • Gives teachers opportunity to contribute and consider the child’s listening development.
  • Useful to complement the PEACH assessments taken by parents.
  • Quick to do.
  • Free download.


  • Not standardised.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

You can find the assessment on the National Acoustic Laboratories website.