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New deaf young people’s offering launched

Published Date: 11 Dec 2023

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new section for deaf young people.

For the past three years, the Buzz has been the home of our content for deaf children and young people. In June, we launched our new strategy. This is our plan for the next five years and we believe it’ll help us reach even more deaf young people.

After looking closely at everything we offer young people, we decided to close the Buzz website, and create a new space for under 18s on the National Deaf Children’s Society website.

While the Buzz is closing today (Monday 11 December 2023), we’re really happy to reveal that our new young people’s offering is going live.

This new section of our website is designed specifically for under 18s. It includes information and advice about all sorts of topics, including education and careers, mental health, and deaf identity and community.

We’ll still be highlighting amazing stories from deaf young people and featuring incredible videos from our fantastic content creators, too.

We hope you enjoy this new offering, and we can’t wait to work with young people to develop it and make it even better!

Explore our new deaf young people’s section.