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Lara's review: El Deafo

Looking for a fun graphic novel to read this summer? Read on to find out what our awesome blogger Lara thought of El Deafo by Cece Bell!

Hello, my name is Lara and I’m 8 years old! I am profoundly deaf in my right ear and and I use a bone anchored hearing aid on a softband.

El Deafo is about a girl called Cece, who gets meningitis which then makes her deaf. Cece was named after the author Cece Bell.

At the start of the book, Cece moves schools. At her old school everyone in her class was deaf, but when they move house no one is deaf in her class, which then makes Cece feel lonely. She gets a hearing aid called the phonic ear where the teacher has a microphone so Cece can hear. But Cece notices that she can hear the teacher anywhere, even in the toilet! It’s like she had her own super power!

My favourite part was when Cece met Martha and they became friends. It made me feel happy for Cece because it is hard making friends, especially when you’re deaf.

I really like El Deafo, but before I started to read it I wasn`t that sure about reading a graphic novel, because I have never read one before. I enjoyed it loads though, because the pictures help you understand what is going on.

I have read a book similar to El Deafo called Harriet vs the Galaxy. It was about a girl who was deaf, but with her hearing aid she could hear aliens talk!

I recommend this book to anyone, not just deaf children.