Glossary: R
Radio aid
Consists of a transmitter (worn or held by the speaker) and a receiver (worn by the deaf person). A microphone picks up the speaker’s voice. The sounds are then transmitted by radio waves to the receiver.
Reasonable adjustment
A reasonable adjustment is a change made by an organisation, service or public function, such as a school or workplace, so that a disabled person has the same access as someone who is not disabled. For example, giving deaf awareness training to teachers in a school is a reasonable adjustment because it’s inexpensive, doesn’t take up too much time and means that a deaf child can receive equal treatment to hearing children at the same school.
Recessive gene
A changed gene whose effect remains hidden because the other gene of the pair works and can make up for the faulty copy.
Review meeting (education)
A meeting held to discuss a child's progress involving the parents and all agencies working with the child. The child may also be invited to take part. Educational support plans, such as a Coordinated Support Plan (CSP), an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, Individual Development Plan (IDP) and a Statement of Special Educational Needs, must be formally reviewed at least once a year.