Glossary: V
In the context of genes, this describes a genetic condition that varies between people who have it. For example, two siblings might have the same genetic condition but may show different signs or symptoms.
The hole drilled through an earmould is known as a vent. A vent allows air to circulate in the ear and improves comfort. Occasionally a vent is used to change the frequency response of the hearing aid.
Vestibular system
Part of the body's balance system. The vestibular system is made up of three semi-circular fluid-filled canals in the inner ear and two otolith organs, which sense the head’s movements and send signals to the brain through the balance (vestibular) nerve. The vestibular system is responsible for maintaining your body's orientation in space, regulating movement and keeping objects in visual focus as you move around.
Vibrating transducer
A device that changes sounds from electrical signals into vibrations.
Visual response audiometry (VRA)
A behavioural test suitable for children aged between six months and two-and-a-half years old (developmental age). Sounds of different frequencies and loudness are played through speakers. When the child hears the sound, they’ll turn their head and a visual ‘reward’ is activated, such as a toy lighting up or a puppet. VRA can test the full range of hearing but does not give specific information about each ear separately if tested through a speaker. However, VRA can be performed with insert earphones to test each ear separately.