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HR business partner

I’m an HR business partner because I love helping others and I get to meet many amazing and diverse people. I project manage the roll-out of new HR systems, I’m involved in data and reporting, and I help to run payroll.

After university, I struggled to find a job, like many other graduates. My family and friends kept me going. After six months, I found a job as an HR data administrator and have progressed rapidly in the field.

I have a high-pitched frequency loss and wear hearing aids. I’ve always been open about how my team should communicate with me. The key is finding workplaces that take the time to understand my abilities and what they can do to help.

I have a Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile with closed captioning for phone calls. I also use software called, which is great for picking up speech and saving transcripts to refer back to later.

If you’re looking for a job, speak to recruiters, have a LinkedIn page, and make sure your CV is clear and concise. But the most important thing is to be yourself.

Milan Tailor

Summer 2023 Families magazine