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Response to Department for Education’s SEND improvement plan

Published Date: 03 Mar 2023

The National Deaf Children's Society has responded to the publication of the Department for Education’s SEND improvement plan.

Ian Noon, Chief Policy Advisor at the National Deaf Children’s Society, said:

“After much campaigning, we warmly welcome the Government’s intentions. The plan is a positive step in the right direction and greatly needed.

“With the loss of nearly 1 in 5 Teachers of the Deaf since 2011, the case for urgent action was never in doubt. A new apprenticeship pathway for specialist teachers of children with sensory impairment has the potential to make a big difference. However, deaf children cannot wait until this is in place to get the specialist support they need. Action to increase the number of specialist teachers before then is still vital.

“Although we know there will remain many more barriers to break down, these policies have a real chance to create a fairer education system for deaf children and young people.

“Intentions must become actions and we look forward to working with the Government to take forward its improvement plan. Ensuring that the needs of deaf children and their families are considered throughout will remain essential to the success of these reforms.”