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Digit recall

This is the third teacher-led activity, which is delivered through a slide show presentation. It is introduced after the child has reached a level in 'Word' and in 'Colours' when they have tried the alternative set of slides for that level and need to move to a different activity for a change of context to practice rehearsal.

Getting started

Open Digits Recall Games: Level 1 to 7 and show it as a 'slideshow' so that you click to go from screen to screen.

You will need a copy of a record sheet before you start to complete for each child each time they play.

Structure and procedure

  • There are seven levels and each level starts with a practice question followed by six questions.
  • In each question, the child is shown a series of number strings and will be asked to recall the last digit in one of the strings at level 1, the last two digits in one of the strings at level 2 and so on until they try to recall the last five digits in one of the strings at level 7.
  • Children do not know beforehand which string of numbers in the series they will have to recall. Each time they see a string, they rehearse it and when they have had sufficient time, you click to move to the next screen to see if the question marks appear.
  • If the question mark slide appears, the child needs to tell you the last string they have rehearsed. You click to the next slide and the start of the string is given and the child has to recall the rest.
  • Sometimes it is the first string which they have to recall, sometimes it can be the last of five strings which they will be asked for. So each time, they have to rehearse the string to themselves in case it is going to be the one which they are asked to recall. (If you look on the recording sheet, you can see if it will be the first, second, third etc. but the children will not know beforehand.)
  • When the child has tried to recall the last digits of the string, if you click again, the correct answer appears and the child can see if they were correct.
  • The number of digits to be recalled increases over time.
  • To pass a level, the child needs to have four questions correct, achieved in one session.

Rehearsal strategy to be taught

  • Children will need to use a similar rehearsal strategy to the one used in the 'Words': they should use their fingers to remind themselves of the order of digits.
  • Each time a new string appears, they should rehearse it so give the child some time to rehearse and then move on. This will give them lots of practice at rehearsing so that it becomes an automatic strategy.
  • To reinforce this, children are asked at regular intervals, via a slide, 'What helps you remember?' and they should explain how they are rehearsing. It is useful for them to say what helps them remember.
  • If they have not managed to recall correctly, then this question makes them think about the strategy they need to use. If they have been successful, this question makes them reflect on what they did to achieve success.