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Deaf Child Worldwide

Through our international arm, Deaf Child Worldwide, we work with partner organisations in East Africa and South Asia to break down barriers for deaf children.

922 deaf children received support from our project partners.

Cissy is mum to Shiba (13), who’s deaf. Watch our video to learn about the support Cissy received from our partner in Uganda, the National Association of Parents of Deaf Children (NAPADEC).

Cissy's story

Online training for professionals

Professionals working with deaf children in developing countries often receive little or no training in how to support them. That’s why we deliver online courses to professionals four times a year. This year, 65 people from 28 countries took part, with 100% of participants recommending the course.

As a minimum, we make sure that 50% of our trainers are deaf. This has a strong impact on our attendees, many of whom have never seen a deaf professional before.

Mental health training

Our partners in South Asia became concerned that many of the deaf children and young people they work with were experiencing emotional and behavioural problems. Sometimes they expressed this by withdrawing and isolating themselves, or by acting out aggressively.

Our partners have worked with Basic Needs India to provide mental health awareness training for 18 deaf staff who work directly with deaf children.

Staff now feel confident they can offer support and recognise when to refer a child to professional mental health services – something that will benefit many deaf children now and in the future.

For more information, download the Deaf Child Worldwide section of our impact report.

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