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Our exciting new partnership!

Published Date: 23 Aug 2019

Adam, Kayleigh, Henry and their friend Beth

Adam, Kayleigh and Henry with their friend Beth after Adam completed the London Triathlon

We are absolutely delighted that The Access Group have chosen the National Deaf Children’s Society to be their 2019/20 Charity of the Year partner.

Championed by Kayleigh and Adam, parents of adorable 1 year old Henry, the partnership is aiming to raise over £140,000.

Like the majority of parents of deaf children, Kayleigh and Adam had no prior experience of deafness. There was no family history of hearing loss and they didn’t have any deaf friends, so when they were told that Henry was profoundly deaf it came as an unexpected shock.

As mum Kayleigh explains: "When he got diagnosed, our world fell apart. When you're pregnant you expect to have a perfectly healthy baby, not that he isn't perfect, but you don't expect anything to be wrong. "I spent time in a dark place and we just want to raise awareness of it and money for the charity. “We want people to know that there is a happy ending and he will achieve everything we want him to achieve.”

Kayleigh and Adam both work for The Access Group- one of the largest software companies in the UK and this year they successfully nominated the National Deaf Children’s Society for the charity of the year.

“The support we have received through early diagnosis conferences and sign language lessons has made us want to give back and raise as much as we can. There's 2,000 people in our company and we have lots of events lined up. It's a massive number to hit but we can do it. Everyone at the company is willing to help out."

When big companies get involved in the work of charities like ours it makes such a huge difference both in terms of awareness and donations.

If you would like more information on how you can get your company involved in supporting our work please email [email protected].


Little Henry who inspired the partnership